Customer-Winning Online Presence

Review management software by Million Hits AI is designed to attract positive reviews and filter out negative ones.

7 Days Free Trial

The Ultimate Tool for doctors!

Get Reviews on More than 26 platforms

Let Your Customers Know You Care!

Impress New Customers

A whopping 82% of consumers opt for new local businesses based on Google reviews! When customers search for your business, we ensure it stands out, setting you apart from the competition.

Automate Your Reviews

Ditch the hassle of manual reviews! Streamline the process with our automated system for effortless, fuss-free customer feedback. It’s easy, efficient, and guaranteed to elevate your business.

Single Dashboard Access

Centralize and manage reviews hassle-free! Our platform allows you to monitor and respond to feedback, all in one place. Simplify your process and save time!

Increase Positive Reviews

Boost positive reviews by up to 20%! Easily prompt customers to leave feedback via WhatsApp, Email, SMS, or QR code, resulting in a significant increase in positive ratings.

Record Higher Revenue

Unlock up to an 18% increase in revenue for your business , all by showcasing hundreds of positive reviews.

Filter Out Negative Feedback

Protect business reputation by discreetly managing dissatisfied customers while keeping negative feedback confidential.

Acquire Fresh Positive Reviews & Minimize Negative Feedback

Encourage your customers to leave positive reviews by sending them personalized requests through email & SMS.

Prevent negative public reviews and safeguard your reputation by addressing their concerns privately.

Prioritize the best suited platform for positive reviews.

Display Top Reviews on Your Website and Social Media Platforms

Make optimum use of customizable templates by Million Hits AI to highlight your best reviews on social media.

Effortlessly feature your top reviews and seamlessly integrate it into your website for maximum visibility.

Plan & schedule the sharing of reviews on social media, leveraging fully the review-driven marketing approach.

Manage and Respond to All Reviews from a Single Dashboard

Access all reviews gathered across different platforms in a daily overview.

Reply to every review; show your commitment to every customer.

Address negative feedback privately to rebuild trust with your customers by identifying areas for improvement.

Address Negative Feedback Privately

Attend to all negative feedback before it gets public.

Establish a cordial relation with customers & build trust!

Do not worry! Remember, Million Hits AI offers ethical software-as-a-service.

Expand Your Reach

Leverage AI-powered review management to gradually expand your reach.

Deeply analyze your target customers.

Amplify your sales.

User-Friendly Dashboard

Simple Review Management For Businesses

Review Management
To Build Trust

Add more value, use less time. Create a spotless brand image with Million Hits AI tools. Signup now to better manage your reviews and create a customer base who value your service.


How does your software enhance review management?

Our review management feature allows you to monitor and respond to customer reviews on Google and Facebook. It provides analytics to understand customer sentiment and tools to help you respond effectively, enhancing your online reputation and customer engagement.

Can the software track reviews across all major platforms?

Yes, our software is designed to track and manage reviews across all major platforms, including social media, review sites, and e-commerce platforms. This ensures that you have a comprehensive view of your brand’s reputation across the digital platforms.

Does your review management software promise sales?

No, our company makes no promises for any direct increase in sales. However, review management helps business owners create a better online reputation filtering out the negative reviews and highlighting the positive ones. We all know online reputation is important for growth and higher sales.

Is there any support or training available to get started with the software?

Yes, we have dedicated customer support team to ensure you can leverage all the features effectively.

How does your software handle data privacy and security?

Data privacy and security are our top priorities. Our software is compliant with major data protection regulations. We employ end-to-end encryption, regular security audits, and robust data management policies to ensure your data and your customers’ data are always protected.

Quickly Reach Out To Potential Customers

Use Review Management by Million Hits AI to show the best feedback to new customers and filter out negatives ones, ethically!